Monday, May 28, 2007

Love is in the air!

Whereas I came here to study Spanish and relax, my second goal was to figure out where I want to be in a few years, which direction to take, which choices to make. But Barcelona enables me in this thinking process...

Short skirts and dresses, high heels and slippers, bare arms and legs, happy faces, whistling guys, all hidden signs of incoming summer in Barcelona. Butterflies are everywhere. Flying around in the parcs, landing on an intimate couple for a second to quickly continue their journey, making everything they touch sparkle and shine.

People seem more beautiful, dinner tastes richer, colours are brighter, wine flows more generously, nightlife is hotter.

And there's nothing more to be done than go with this flow, live this happy life. And therewith: no time for thinking, only for enjoying every second of it and once again fall in love with life, and with Barcelona...

Love is in the air!

1 comment:

Liselotte said...

Oh, wat klinkt dat allemaal heerlijk! Ben nu zelf mijn volgende reisje ook weer aan het voorbereiden en kan al weer helemaal wegdromen... en vanaf dinsdag ga ik weer wat woordjes Spaans opdoen bij een cursusje ... (ik meot mijzelf toch een beetje kunnen behelpen in Argentinie) ... geniet van het weer, het eten, je vrienden en de mannen!
liefs lis